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Richard Rose

Richard Rose


USA. Richard Rose (March 14, 1917 - July 6, 2005) was an American mystic, esoteric philosopher, author, poet, and investigator of paranormal phenomena.


"We Inherit Dispositions, Not Destinies."

"There is a path to Truth. From ignorance to relative knowledge. From relative knowledge to an awareness of the limitation of such knowledge. And finally, we pass from that which we recognize as loosely associated intelligence to a reality of Being."

"Loss of energy, mainly. 'Matter is neither created nor destroyed.' In passion, whether it's sex or bloodlust, there's a tremendous amount of energy generated, then it disappears when the passions are surfeited. That energy has to go somewhere. Whatever it is that drives us to indulge in these things gets the payoff from the act--whether its lust or anger or murder--in the form of energy."

"Man is incredibly fatheaded. He believes he's in control, but the truth is he's just a robot in a dream--a puppet whose strings are pulled by intelligences he can't see."

External Websites

Richard Rose at Wikipedia

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