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Astrological Events
111 AD - there was a Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Cancer.1128 AD - A close planetary alignment, the closest seen in the last 2000 years.
1128 AD - a rare planet grouping of the visible planets (Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury) was seen in the sky within 30 degrees
1843 AD - The star Eta Carinae in the Southern hemisphere sky became very bright at -1 magnitude, making it the second brightest star in the sky after Sirius. It then dimmed again to magnitude 6-8, but now it has started brightening again.
1940 AD - Planetary grouping of visible planets in the evening sky, similar to the May 2002 planet cluster. Mars, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury were seen grouped within 40 degrees. Note that this was as World War 2 began.
1962 AD - there was a very significant astrological event: a close grouping of seven planets in the sign of Aquarius, grouped within 17 degrees, at the same time as a solar eclipse.
1966 AD - Astrologically 3 planets, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, and Jupiter in Cancer, were in adjacent Astrology signs with each at 6 degrees, for an astrology 6-6-6. Also, the Astrology pattern of this day somewhat resembles a pentagonl.
1987 AD - there was a supernova in the Large Megallanic Cloud, in the Southern Hemisphere. In what I call the "Southern Cross" effect
1993 AD - the discovery of a supernova in the Great Bear constellation.
1994 AD - the Comet Shoemaker-Levy collision with Jupiter.
1994 AD - A rare Grand Water Trine Astrological pattern of major planets forming an Astrological triangle pattern in the three water signs. A very powerful Astrology pattern.
1995 AD - Comet Hale-Bopp discovered
1996 AD - Comet Hyakutake discovered, and it reached peak brightness
1997 AD - Comet Hale-Bopp reached its peak brightness
1999 AD - a Grand Cross planetary alignment
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