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Geoffrey Hodson

Geoffrey Hodson An advanced Theosophical teacher. (1886-1983 AD).


That One Alone becomes manifest…as all the exuberant variety and richness of individuality everywhere apparent throughout Nature.”

“All work is, indeed, performed as part of the One Work and on behalf of the One Worker.”

“The creative agent referred to by various names in the world’s cosmogonies is the active expression of that eternal, incomprehensible One Alone.”

“All beings are synthesized to constitute one great Intelligence.”

“One Life nourishes, sustains and unites all parts and all beings.”

“The whole Universe with all its parts…is interlocked, interwoven, to make a single whole, one body, one organism, one life, one consciousness, cyclicly evolving under one law.”

“All these parts of the Cosmos…are in correspondence or harmonious interaction or mutual resonance with each other.”

“All the ‘organs’ or parts of this Macrocosm, though apparently separated in space and plane of manifestation, are in fact harmoniously interrelated and interacting.”

“All is interwoven, interlocked, and this interweaving is based upon a universal system of vibrational correspondences or mutual resonances.”

“Wise was the injunction of the Mystery Schools of old, ‘Man know thyself’; for when man truly knows himself, he knows all.”

“Man in his spiritual nature is a divine, immortal, imperishable being.”

“What part should man play in the scheme of things? Selfless collaboration with the evolutionary plan.”

“A profound, fundamental truth concerning man is that, in his spiritual, intellectual, psychical and physical nature he is a miniature replica or epitome of the whole order of created beings and things.”

“Man, in very truth, was created in the image of God. Eliphas Levi said: ‘The mystery of the earthly and mortal man is after the mystery of the supernal and immortal One.”

“The present dark period will pass as the human intellect increasingly transcends the prideful, acquisitive, separative attributes of the formal mind, and develops the powers of the synthesizing, prophetic, intuitive faculties of the Abstract or Higher Mind.”

“Nation with nation, land with land, unarmed shall live as comrades free; in every heart and brain shall throb the pulse of one fraternity.” John Addington Symonds (1840-1893),

“God IS all-powerful, all-loving and all-wise. There IS a Plan – Evolution – and despite human resistance that Plan is certain to succeed.”

“Indeed, no one ever sincerely cries for light in vain.”

“The ideal is not a universalised set of conditions and a uniformity of human personality, but full individual development, with readiness to combine and to co-operate in the great causes of human happiness and progress.”

“All seeds and all beings, forces and laws, constitute that totality of existence to which alone may be truly given the title ‘God’.”

“Self-existent, eternal, resplendent in Its own glory, is the Shining One, Whose Centre is invisible Fire, Whose rays are Light and Life, pervading the universe to its utmost limits, penetrating every form and causing it to live and to grow.”

“Every sprouting seed, every wheeling planet, every ordinary movement of the natural world, every noble aspiration of the human heart, is an expression of energy of the ever-present, ever-active Soul of the Universe.” Archdeacon Wilberforce, Anglican spiritual leader

“That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.” Dadistan-i-dinik, 94:5 (Zoroastrian)

“Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain: and regard your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.” T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien (Taoist)

“In happiness and suffering, in joy and in grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self, and should therefore refrain from inflicting upon others such injury as would appear undesirable to us if inflicted upon ourselves.” Yogashastra, 2:20 (Jain scripture)

26 “However terrible the sin and sorrow on earth may be, all things are somehow working together for the eventual good of all.”

“Think your way towards the principle of Oneness as far as you possibly can.”

“We are all one…..There are no ‘others’.”

“The One Life has been described as a conscious, hypersensitive, electric, creative energy. All effects, pleasurable or painful, produced upon one living creature are communicated by this electric, telegraphic Life-force, elan vital, throughout the whole of manifested life.”

“For an increasing number of people, the Inner Voice grows stronger, more insistent, calling: ‘One life in all’.”

“All manifested divine Power, Life and Consciousness, and so all human Spirits, radiate from the One Source.”

“All beings come forth from the One.”

“In diverse forms a common soul we see.” G. Matheson

“The one Universal Law guides unerringly.” H. P. Blavatsky, ‘TheTheosophical Glossary’

“There is but one divine Will, one divine Life, and one divine Intelligence.”

“Cultivate a state of goodwill to all. Never by thought or word or deed hurt another.”

“Unfoldment from less to more and reharmonization operate irresistibly upon man, as upon all else that exists. Man can delay or hasten, but he cannot ultimately frustrate these two functions of the Cosmic Will.”

“There is but one Spiritual Will in the Cosmos, and the Will-Self of man is an embodiment thereof. Full recognition of this fact is the highest vision, and its ratification in action is the secret of well-being.”

“The expansive pressure of the divine will is the Power behind the whole process of evolution.”

“Each individual Soul is unified with the World-Soul, the all-pervading divine consciousness.”

“Ultimate and complete success is assured by virtue of the presence of an infinite, divine power, ceaselessly at work within the Soul of every man.”

“Perfection is the assured goal of every human being.”

“Neither individuals nor nations are paralysed by their past actions. Everything is not irretrievably fated, however good or bad the past. Man can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning, however heavily the past may weigh upon him.”

“Man, in his essential spiritual nature, is as a seed of the Deity.”

“The purpose and goal of human life is the evolution of the human Soul to the stature of the Perfect Man – a state of complete fulfilment and highest development.”

“Humaneness, which is obedience to the law of love in thought, feeling, word and deed, is the only way to lasting world peace.”

“The health and the happiness of all sentient beings depend upon their mutual, humane relationship. We are all dependent upon one another for our well-being, progress, fulfilment.”

“By kindness alone can man ratify the fact of the unity of Life.”

“Always be kinder than the situation demands. Earth’s greatest Teachers and Sages have taught this.”

“This is the way of happiness and of the fulfilment of life: ‘He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.’ (Matthew 23:11).”

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