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The Kraken

The Kraken
The Kraken is a legendary sea monster causing large whirlpools off the coast of Norway. "monster of the North Sea," 1755, from Norw. dial. krake.

The Kraken at Wikipedia

The Kraken: Monster of the Deep

Legend Rises (Kraken vs Leviathan)

Legend Rises (Kraken vs Leviathan) at YouTube

God of War 2 NUR Titan Mode Kraken

God of War 2 NUR Titan Mode Kraken at YoutTube

Final Fantasy Kraken Boss

Final Fantasy Kraken Boss

Kraken Zidane-Only

Kraken Zidane-Only

Fable V. Te KraKEn!

Fable V. Te KraKEn!



kraken xgn 2006

kraken xgn 2006

Bonus Kun (me) VS Kraken (AI) MUGEN

Bonus Kun (me) VS Kraken (AI) MUGEN

How to beat Kraken with Phsco Itachi

Evil Ken vs. Kraken

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