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Resourcefulness Quotes

"Resourcefulness is not a means of coping with deprivation; it can be a virtue that opens the door to greater accomplishment."
John Baldoni

“You still stand watch, O human star, burning without a flicker, perfect flame, bright and resourceful spirit. Each of your rays a great idea - O torch which passes from hand to hand, from age to age, world without end."
Karel Capek

“Even the most resourceful housewife cannot create miracles from a rice less pantry.”
Chinese Proverb

"While no one is expected to leap tall buildings in a single bound, our aspiring heroes will be tested on their courage, integrity, self-sacrifice, compassion and resourcefulness - the stuff of all true superheroes."
Stan Lee

"They are usually things that people wouldn't think of doing and all of them require imagination and resourcefulness."
Molly Hoffman

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Resourcefulness Definition: The ablility to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in regard to difficult situations and unusual problems.

Etymology of 'Resourcefulness'
1610s, "means of supplying a want or deficiency," from French resourse "a source, spring," noun use of fem. past participle of Old French resourdre "to rally, raise again," from Latin resurgere "rise again".

Positive Suggestions:
"Awaken your natural Resourcefulness"
"Perfect Resourcefulness is within you"
"Allow yourself to feel Benovelent now"
"Accept Resourcefulness"
"Trust in your Resourcefulness"
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