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Richard C Miller

Richard C Miller

"Richard’s teachings come out of his direct experience of living truth as echoed in the timeless teachings of nondualism found in Advaita, Zen and Chan."

"In 1961, while on vacation at the age of 13, taking a walk with a friend, I happened to lay down in the 8th sand trap of the local golf course. It was late at night and the stars were out. Looking up into the sky, the question occurred to me: "Where is the end of the universe?"

It wasn't an idle question; I had a deep wonder. My mind went way out and fabricated a brick wall at the end of the universe. I inwardly commented: "Oh, here's the end of the universe." Then I wondered what was on the other side, so I jumped over the wall and then came to another wall. I lay there for some time, coming again and again to the end of the universe and jumping over innumerable brick walls. Then something in my mind exploded. I opened to a knowingness of what I am, that we all are; a sense of being infinite. After some time, I got up and walked back into my life as finite Richard Miller and didn't think much about what had occurred."


"Awareness is always in the background. As a person is describing their psychological or physical state, they're surrounded by spaciousness, by presence. They just don't know it. But I'm sitting here knowingly knowing, and knowing that I can't tell them about it. We just have to be patient and wade through until this understanding erupts."

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