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Samael Aun Weor

Samael Aun Weor

(1917-1977 AD). Gnostic Teacher.


"Esoteric Orders and Ineffable Religions emerge from the Treasury of the Light that is inside an Adept of Perfection."

"Instead of reading silly things, children should be taken to the countryside and told fairytales and things of that nature. In this manner their minds will remain open and free of the prejudice of these decadent and degenerated times."

"Never does a day lack importance. If we really want to transform ourselves radically, we must see, observe and comprehend ourselves daily".

"Unfortunately the ego is memory and lives in the past; it wants to always return to the past. The past overcomes people, destroys happiness and kills love."

"There has never been any religion or school of mysteries where the Cosmic Christ and the mysteries of sex were absent."

“Time and again we need to make ourselves independent of the mind and enter into the Current of Sound, the world of music; to enter into the world where the Word of the Elohim resounds, where Truth certainly reigns.”

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