Conceptual Systems
The I ching, the tarot, astrology and various other systems as they are widely understood today are merely distorted fragments of a universal science. That they are today understood only in degenerative form can be clearly seen in the uncompromising light of VirtueScience.It is as if layer upon layer of false data/attributes obscure the original symbols- the true meaning distorted or totally lost. You would expect the opposite symbol to have an opposite meaning attributed to it but this obvious logic is only very loosely followed or is neglected altogether. You would expect a meaning to appear only once in a set of symbols but some meanings are attributed to more than one symbol whilst others are arbitrarily missed out altogether.
The purpose of virtue matrix study is not to fill the intellect with ideas and concepts but to empty it.
The idea of symmetry is not an intellectual ornament it helps us to see all the virtues as equal and thus removes the many prejudices and preferences picked up from particular experience.
In other words, the conceptual world is underpinned by the laws of mathematics. The definite universal mathematical structures which the conceptual universe is ordered by are explored in the esoteric section of this site:
The Esoteric Section.
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