Why Attacked?
Why are people (or countries etc-remember we are studying universal tactics that apply to all situations) attacked? If we can meditate on this deeply we can reduce, maybe to zero, the chances of being attacked. Each reason should be analyzed indepth and we should improve ourselves, our situation and our behaviour accordingly. This is close to the ultimate self defence. If conflict arises then we have already missed a trick, we have already let things get out of hand. We should be trained and ready for conflict as a backup but a more profound defence is to stop an attack in the opponent's mind before he makes it physically.Avoidance of unnecessay conflict is a martial tactic worthy of contemplation.
Reasons Why People are Attacked:
- Offensive
- Physically Weak
- Rich
- Ally Weak
- Competitor for Resource
- Evade Attack
- Belong to an Enemy group
- Wrong place, wrong time
- Aggressor feels threatened
- Aggressor showing off
- A fair game
- A punishment for crime
A mirror question to "why attacked?" is "why attack?". In what circumstances would you attack? The Shhhhh practitioner should purify their motives not only for the sake of goodness but also to free their tactical responses from lobsided irrational tendencies which have so often led to personal disaster.
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