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A Critique of "Inner Medicine" by the Author

character improvement

Although I was not aware of it at the time of writing, some of my ideas regarding virtue are similar to those of Aristotle.

My system differs slightly in that the midpoint between 2 extremes is seen as 2 virtues blended perfectly rather than as one virtue. My aproach has the advantage of allowing us work on virtues as complimentary pairs. My system is also more sophisticated in that all the virtues are seen as interconnected in that each virtue supports and is supported by every other virtue. My book also contains other insights that I have not seen elswhere.

The idea of a "middle way" between extremes is also found in Buddhism.

It is truly a universal truth worthy of study.

I honestly feel that "Inner Medicine" offers something new and useful to the areas of self improvement/character development. However it is a bit rough around the edges. For example Exercise 1:Overview is a bit too "dry" for a first exercise and may put the casual reader off. Also in retrospect, the text could have been made clearer with the inclusion of diagrams. Despite this I have decided to leave things as they are, set in amber as it were, as a record. As time and inspiration permits I plan to release an "Inner Medicine 2" although I am not yet sure of what kind of form it will take. Your comments, criticisms and questions are of great value so please feel free to send me your input. Together we can advance VirtueScience for the good of all.

Your View of "Inner Medicine"? Please Contact me and let me know.

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